What Is JAVA? Why I Choose JAVA, behind this question some reason , That's reason i share with you all guys.
>> Thursday, April 29, 2010
Java is a programming language and environment invented by James Gosling(James Gosling Blog’s Link on sun/Oracle) and others in 1994. Java was originally named Oak and was developed as a part of the Green project at the Sun Company.
James Gosling Key Note at Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad.
The writing of Java began in December of 1990. Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, and James Gosling and were trying to figure out the "next wave" in computing.
My Presentation on Java is here
For more information about java History refer this link
For more information about java History on Wikipedia refer this link
Here some of best feature of java,
why java is platform independent
Jvm Java platform indipandent.
When Java Code is compiled a byte code is generated which is independent of the system. This byte code is fed to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) which resides in the system. Since every system has its own JVM, it doesn't matter where you compile the source code. The byte code generated by the compiler can be interpreted by any JVM of any machine. Hence it is called Platform independent Language.
Java's bytecodes are desgined to be read and interpreted in exactly same manner on any computer hardware or operating system that supports Java Runtime Environment.
why java is secure
Java Security
The Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE), which is a set of Java packages that enable secure Internet communications, is a framework and 100% Pure Java implementation of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). These packages enable you ,the Java developer, to develop secure network applications that feature the secure passage of data between a client and a server running any application protocol, such as HTTP, FTP, Telnet, or NTTP, over TCP/IP.
For more information on java security refer this link.
why java is robust
Refer this Java Docs Link.
And finally A Big Question Why I choose JAVA?
When i ask this question to myself(Why I choose JAVA?)then i find 1 more question,
why java is better than .net
I am building a list, that's actually I listed with help of my own work on java, and other experiment on java with compare of other programming language.
Anyway, I have now accumulated Some reasons. Hopefully, with feedback and suggestions from the Osum community and you guys also tell me more about on this question. the goal of more reasons will be achieved with help of you guys also.
Some more and important reasons,
Here now are reasons 1 to 5:
1. Run on Multiple Platforms from the Smallest Devices to the Largest Mainframes.
Run on multiple platforms, from smart cards, embedded devices(JStamp), cell phones(Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson etc), pdas (Palm, Symbian, Sharp),laptops and desktops (MacOS, Linux), servers (Unix based), Non Stop Servers (Tandem) to Mainframes ( IBM ).
2. Run Dynamic Languages
Run Dynamic Languages like Python (JPython) , Scheme (JScheme, SISC, Kawa), Ruby(JRuby), Smalltalk(Bistro). In comparison a commercial development effort to port Python to .NET showed dismal performance. Furthermore, a paper comparing the CLR and the JVM came to similar.
3. Compile in One Platform Run in Another.
Visual Studio.NET and .NET SDK End User License Agreements specifically states that code compiled with it cannot run in non-microsoft platforms.
4. Smaller Runtime Download
The Java Runtime Evironment (JRE) is a 8MB runtime download, .NET runtime download is over twice as large (i.e. 20 MB).
5. No mandatory upgrades. No subscription fees. No software insurance fees.
How many MIS organizations are held hostage to microsoft's draconian licensing policies?
6.and last a major reason to use java and put my future in java, because java is open source.
I think this is a major difference between java and .Net.
7.For moreinformaion about this question Is Java better than .net or not see this two link and after you decide java is better than .Net or not Link 1 link 2
Here some other reason to proof Java is Better then .Net. With Help of internet and other resources.
1. Run on Multiple Platforms from the Smallest Devices to the Largest Mainframes.
2. Run Dynamic Languages
3. Compile in One Platform Run in Another.
4. Smaller Runtime Download
5. No mandatory upgrades. No subscription fees. No software insurance fees.
6. Run Multiple Versions of the VM (Runtime) on the Same Machine
7. Large Innovative Open Source Community
8. Low cost Commercial Quality IDE’s
9. More Available Jobs
10. Better and Standardized Connectivity to Legacy Applications
11. Multiple Vendor Choice and Support
12. Compile to Machine Code
13. Future Proof
14. Most Popular Language in the Corporation
15. Larger Talent Pool
16. More Contributions From R&D Organizations
17. Government Approved
18. More Homogeneous and Less Complex Environment
19. More Deployment Options
20. More Searchable References
21. Better support for Software Process Best Practices
22. Mature Object Oriented Relational Mapping Tools
23. More Productive Coding Tools
24. Cross Platform Integration with Other Languages
25. Higher Paying Jobs
Finlay you have other best feature to use JAVA tell me, i always waiting to those reason who make java is better than .Net.
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