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Tushar's Blog

'Think Open','Implement Open' -It's rule of Open Source World.

Creating RESTful Web Services using (JAX-RS) in JAVA.

>> Monday, June 27, 2011

REST is stands for Representational State Transfer. It Is a stateless protocol.
Java API for RESTful web services (JAX-RS) help developers for build RESTful 
Web services in Java.
RESTful web services  use HTTP protocol methods . For example, a developer can map HTTP methods like POSTGETPUT, and DELETE to create, read, update and delete operations. For detail information Visit JAX-RS: Developing RESTful Web Services in Java
Download Developing RESTful Web services with JAX-RS pdf at Java One Conference, Hyderabad,India.

Create RESTful Web services using JAX-RS in NetBeans IDE.

Create RESTful Web services using JAX-RS in Eclipse.

Have A Nice Day!


Two step verification process Apps For Google: Provide extra layer of security to your Google Account

>> Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Google Apps tools by adding a new two-step verification process. Google announced the new sign-in feature at its Google Atmosphere conference in Paris.
"Cloud computing is about making your information easily accessible from anywhere, on any device," Eran Feigenbaum, director of security for Google Apps, said in blog post. "Until today, organizations looking to secure their information beyond a password have faced costs and complexities that prevented many of them from using stronger security technologies. Today, we are changing that with the introduction of a more secure sign-in capability for Google Apps accounts that significantly increases the security of the cloud: Two step verification."

2-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your Google Account by requiring you to have access to your phone – as well as your username and password – when you sign in. This means that if someone steals or guesses your password, the potential hijacker still can't sign in to your account because they don't have your phone.

Getting started with 2-step verification 

2-step verification helps protect a user's account from unauthorized access should someone manage to obtain their password. Even if a password is cracked, guessed, or otherwise stolen, an attacker can't sign in without access to the user's verification codes, which only the user can obtain via their own mobile phone.
Two-step verification is easy to set up, manage and use. When enabled by an administrator, it requires two means of identification to sign in to a Google Apps account, something you know: a password, and something you have: a mobile phone. It doesn’t require any special tokens or devices. After entering your password, a verification code is sent to your mobile phone via SMS, voice calls, or generated on an application you can install on your Android, BlackBerry or iPhone device. This makes it much more likely that you’re the only one accessing your data: even if someone has stolen your password, they'll need more than that to access your account. You can also indicate when you're using a computer you trust and don't want to be asked for a verification code from that machine in the future.


Google Analytics-class web analytics, friendlier and free.

>> Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Google Analytics (GA)  In 2005 Google provide GA is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website.Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites. See wiki page. Go to product tour.

Life Cycle Of Google Analytics (GA)

So here Google Analytics is better for Business Enterprise. There are some question which i listed here and give answered.  

(1 )  How do I set up goals and funnels?  

Ans : For this refer this link

.(2) Where can I find my tracking code from within my Google Analytics  account?

Ans: Google Analytics provide such a good interface, refer this.

(3) How to Install Google Analytics on Blogger.
Ans: Google Analytics official Blog give good answer for this

(4) Back to Basics: Setting up Google Analytics on your Blog including WordPress.
Ans: Again for this GA blog provide such a good answer

So there Google  Google Analytics (GA)  provide such a good Application Gallary.
For more Info visit Google Analytics Blog. 
For Developers Visit Google Analytics for Developers.


Facebook: Find Your online friends when you are in Offline mode.

>> Monday, January 31, 2011

Facebook Provide such a good application, and there are many application who rally helpful to our society.
Here in Face book Online Now application who find your online friends when you are in Offline mode.
So Go to Search tab in face book and write Online Now , and press enter.

Just try this application and enjoy....

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